Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 2016

Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris BSI
Pilihan ganda tapi langsung jawabannya di thread ini
Soal tahun 2016

1.   A: Do you like to watch TV?
      B: Yes, I …
Jawaban anda:

2. I have been working at National TV Station. So, I am …

Jawaban anda:

3. There are three famous athlete in My country. The The “famous” word has synonym meaning with …

Jawaban anda:
4.  A: Hi, Where are you from?
     B: Hello, I’m from …, so I am British.

Jawaban anda:
United Kingdom

5. Diana: is David from Mexico?
    Josh  : No, He …. but He comes from  Australia.

Jawaban anda:

6.  I have two sisters ….. name are Susi and Susan.

Jawaban anda:
7. A: is Mr. Gray from United States?
    B: No, she ........., She is from Chicago.

Jawaban anda:
is not

8. Guitar = Guitarist
Drum   = ….

Jawaban anda:

9. Andrea :   Hi Josh, how are you?
Josh    :   I’m fine. What about you?
Andrea :  Well, I have two tickets music concert. Would
              you like to come with me? 
Josh    :  I’m sorry, I … go with you because I have
              another job.

Jawaban anda:

10. A: Excuse me, How much …. those orange?
B: Those are $5/kilo
Jawaban anda:

11. She …. at Santa Maria Hospital
Jawaban anda:

12. A: Does he play football?
B: No, he …. but he play badminton
Jawaban anda:

13. A: Are your classes interesting today?
B: No, ….
Jawaban anda:
it isn’t

  14. Diana: Look!  …… jackets are really nice. Which one do you
James: I like the leather one better.
The Blank can be completed by  
Jawaban anda:

15. She …. to the restaurant every Saturday night.

Jawaban anda:

16. A: Would you like to go with me to music concert tonight?
      B: Yes, I …. to go with you.

Jawaban anda:
would like

17. Josh: What does your father … James?
      James: My father usually drive a car for working

Jawaban anda:

18. A: How much those earrings?
      B: It is $ 47.
     The “earrings”are the accessories that usually wear on?

Jawaban anda:

19. A: Hi, what do you do for sport?
B: Hello, I play football for sport because I am …
Jawaban anda:
soccer player

  20. Marie: Hi, Josh. How are you today?
 Josh: I am well.  Marie, what time do get up today?
 Marie: I always get up …. five o’clock everyday.
Jawaban anda:

21. A: What do you do in your free time
B: I usually just ….. TV in my free time.
Jawaban anda:

22. George : That blue one right there. How much is it?
Maria : it’s $42! That’s expensive!
The “expensive” word has antonym meaning as …
Jawaban anda:

23. Susan : Jane, would you like to tell me about your family?
      Jane   : Yes of course. I have a good father and mother,
                  they are everything for me. How about you.
      Susan : I have one sister …. name is Nina and one
                  brother …. name is John.

Jawaban anda:
her, his

24. I usually go to my office …. five …. Monday.
Jawaban anda:
at, on

25. A:  Where do you come from?
B: I … Thailand.
Jawaban anda:
am from

26. Mike: Hello Brian, which one do you prefer to eat?
      Brian: I prefer fried chicken  ….  steak.
Jawaban anda:

27. yes, they are. I really love chemistry. The ”chemistry” word has same meaning with …

Jawaban anda:
kind of a science

28. I am not working right now, so I am a ….
Jawaban anda:

29. My brother is a university student.  ........ name is carlos.
Jawaban anda:

30. Richard: hello, are you Brian?
Brian    : Yes, I am and what is your name?
Richard: Sorry, how do you …. That?
Brian    : B-R-I-A-N.

Jawaban anda:

Semoga Membantu

PS : Yang jawabannya merah itu salah dan saya males nyari jawaban yg benernya


  1. hello ka,
    utk setiap jurusan apakah soal b.inggris itu sama ka?
    terima kasih.

    1. waah.. saya kurang tau juga sama atau ngganya. sepertinya sih sama. saya sendiri dijurusan KA

  2. Ko ada jawaban yg. Warna merah itu salah apa gimana kalo...??

  3. Replies
    1. Iya itu aku langsung save page pas lagi ngecek jawaban sebelum finish..
      kalo nge screen shot satu2 lama pas ujiannya. hehe

  4. Pagi ka , kok jawaban nya cuma smpe 30 .. yg angkatan sekarang kan sampe 50.. Hehe siapa tau sama , tapi untuk semester 2 UAS yaa .. makasih ka

  5. Yang nomor 25 jika ditanya where do you come from,maka mudah sekali ia ,kita jawab pake come from lagi ,hanya itu yg saya tau,jadi jawabnya l come from

  6. O iya kak makasih banyak,memban me banget ka,saya baru semester 1 sekarang dan yang Kaka upload ini ada pelajaran saya juga sebagian ka

  7. kak mw nanya untuk soal uts semester 1 soal nya tetep sma kan ya ga ada yg berubah paling cma nambah soal doang kan jadi 50 untuk angkatan 2018

  8. ini jawabannya udah fix semua apa ada yang salah. soalnya ada jawaban yang text nya warna merah
